Latest Jobs at Central Silk Board 2022-2023 for a Variety of Positions Apply for 142 Posts Online
The notice for the recruitment of Upper Division Clerk UDC, Stenographer, JE, Programmer, Cook, Group A B and C Multiple positions Recruitment 2022-2023 has been announced by the Central Silk Board. Each and every applicant who is considering applying for this Central Silk Board Various Post in 2022
Maximum Age
Age requirement: 18 years
maximum age of 35
Post Title
Middle Division Clerk (Group C)
Second-grade stenographer (Group C)
Intern in the Field (Group C)
Cook (Group C) (Group C)
Programmer of computers (Group B)
Administrative assistant (Group B)
Technical Assistant Superintendent (Group B)
First-grade stenographer (Group B)
Assistant for libraries and information (Group B)
Junior Electrical Engineer (Group B)
Assistant Director (A&A) Group B Junior Hindi Translator (Group A)
Group A (UR/OBC/EWS) Application Fee: 1000/- Group B & C (UR/OBC/EWS) Application Fee: 750/-
Significant Dates
Last day to apply online: January 16, 2023